пятница, 22 марта 2013 г.

Flipboard - программа для создания социальной газеты для iPad

Как-то не понравился мне мой результат работы с газетой paper.li , поэтому я продолжила поиски по этой теме и случайно натолкнулась на программу для создания социальной газеты 
 Flipboard  для iPad. Ну вот, теперь я получила настоящее эстетическое удовольствие. Руководство по ее использованию можно прочитать на сайте разработчика программы
Я остановлюсь на ее преимуществах и недостатках.
Что мне понравилось: 
- возможность отслеживать информацию практически со всех социальных сетей: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, 500px,  Google Reader, YouTube, и конечно RSS;

- очень красивый дизайн, листаешь газету и наслаждаться яркостью красок и удобным расположением информации;

- очень удобный поиск. Порадовалась, что можно легко найти свои группы на фейсбук, любые хештеги твиттера, сделать подписку на отдельные каналы YouTube и сделать их отдельными элементами газеты;

- отдельные страницы газеты можно размещать в социальных сетях одним привлекательным блоком; 

- пока не обнаружила ограничений по добавлению новых элементов в газету, на данный момент их у меня почти две страницы; 

- очень оценила возможность пролистывать информацию одной группы в соц.сети до самого  конца. С настольгией почитала свои первые посты в группе, созданной пару лет назад, до которых уже и не надеялась добраться;

- легкий переход на страницу с полным текстом в интернет и возврат обратно в газету. 

Что не понравилось:
- может быть пока до конца не разобрались, но не смогла найти возможности делиться газетой: ни через электронную почту, ни какими-то другими способами, хотя отдельные страницы можно публиковать в соц.сетях. А по e-mail отдельные страницы тоже не захотели отправляться. Ну может, позже стоит разобраться в этом более детально, если не встретится что-то получше;
- также не нашла возможности сохранения газеты например в PDF или в виде презентации, приходится хитрить и мудрить, чтобы придумать как это сделать. 

Если не принимать внимание последние два недостатка, то для индивидуального прочтения интересной информации, а также для создания интересных публикаций в соц.сетях эта 
програмка вполне подходит. 

14 комментариев:

  1. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  2. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  3. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  4. flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  5. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  6. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  7. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  8. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  9. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  10. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  11. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  12. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  13. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.

  14. Flipboard only launched its Android app recently. The app allows users to browse through their Facebook, Twitter and Google+ streams, as well as Google Reader feeds in a beautiful flipping manner. It also consolidates and curates a stream of important stories for those who are too busy to go through everything. As a blogger, using this app and browsing through interesting news content daily will give you fresh ideas on what to write about in your next blog post.
